Saturday, July 23, 2016

Nice to Meet You

Hello there, you beautiful rays of sunshine!

This is crazy for us, because a lot of stuff is happening and it's happening really fast. Summer is almost at a close, it would seem (nooooo!) and here we are, getting ready to enter August and wondering just what the next school year will bring us. Intimidating stuff.

And, of course, change can be freaky sometimes. Newness, more often than not, can be scary as well as cool. Believe me, I'm nervous to be new, just as I'm sure some people are nervous to have all my newness around. But it's always good for us to remember that The Big Man has it all under control. Even if our knees are knocking, or our arms are crossed and our brows furrowed, He's up there serenely handling everything, whether or not it seems like it.

So let's get to know each other! Heaven knows I'm excited to meet all of you (or to see you again after not-so-long, for some of you), and I can't wait to start working with you guys. Feel free to contact me if ever you have any questions or comments--I would love to hear from you!

I will see you amazing parents at the Meet and Greet on August 20th (6:00-7:00 pm in the Youth Center), I'll see you wonderful high schoolers at the Kick-Off on August 21st (6:30-8:30 pm in the Youth Center), and you fabulous middle schoolers at your first meeting on September 18th (6:30-8:30 pm in the Youth Center)! 

Stay updated with all your Youth Ministry events on the home page! Can't wait to see you!

Much love,
Ceci Galvin
Youth Minister